The event of Church Union was a topic of controversy for many, however, and with the decision made the Bar River Methodist Church became a part of the United Church of Canada, with Mr. Peter Renner as pulpit supply. Rev. Crawford Tate was the first ordained minister to preach to this newly formed congregation. A series of ministers arrived through the following years, and it was in 1935 during the ministry of the Rev. R. Gosse that the church burned to the ground.

An overheated chimney set the roof ablaze and it could not be saved. Rev. Gosse encouraged the residents to rebuild and the present site on the bank of the river was chosen. Mr. Alfred Anticknap was responsible for construction, ably assisted by fellow church members. In the years that followed, the congregation was served by many devoted ministers.
As has always been the case, the women have been the back bone of the church. The first such group was called the Ladies Aid, and officers consisted of Mrs. Alex Stewart, Mrs. Oliver Shular, Mrs. Percy Howard, and Mrs. Gordon Evoy. Although the women remained the same, their official title changed to Women’s Association and then to the present one of United Church Women. Their responsibilities lay in furnishing the church with all things that did not come under the normal operating costs. The depression years did not slow down the growth of the church. Bazaars became popular, and the quilting bees, even though the hours of hard work necessary to complete one, only resulted in a sale of $6.00.
Don Evoy was paid the princely sum of $5.50 yearly for lighting the fire and Rilla Evoy earned .10 cents each week for keeping the church clean.
During the 1940’s a shed was added to keep the firewood dry. Mr. Anticknap was again hired, and it must have been an act of love, because I am sure the price of $25.00 would only have covered the material.
The minister’s salary was increased by $10.00 to cover living expenses, paid for, no doubt, by the revenue realized by the fowl suppers that took place. The women were, and still are, excellent cooks and catering remains one of the best fundraisers.
Curious to know more? Delve Further Into The United Church Of Canada Here:
Laird Chronicles Chapter 4 – The Churches Of Laird
Laird History Volume Two – Churches
Photos – Bibles, Hymnals, Devotionals
Photos – Books & Sunday School
Photos – Church Records