School Section #1, Laird was formed in 1888 with Charles Grainger, Henry Gibson, and W.H. Evoy as trustees. The original school, a log building 20 feet by 30 feet, opened in 1889. The teacher was Miss Sarah Blackwell and 24 students were on the role. The school opened in May and no summer holidays were given that year.

These surnames only are found of students in 1889; Bradshaw, Evoy, Gibson, Gordon, Grainger, Hair, Lothian, Taylor, Venn, and Wilson.
A new school was built in 1902 directly across the Government Road from the original log building. Apparently, the old log school was now too small. The new school of wood frame construction on 1/2 acre of land purchased from John Evoy in the SW quarter of Section 9, Lot 16, was erected. The present Riley Road passes through this site just as it leaves Government Road.
The 1902 daily register is available and shows Miss Laura Harris was the first teacher in the new building. During the course of that year 36 students were nominally on the role although attendance was quite irregular for many of them. The average attendance for any month did not exceed 17 pupils and the average attendance for January, the lowest month, was 5 pupils per day.
Over the years, improvements were made to the school. The bell was purchased in 1903, a woodshed was built in 1906, and the verandah was added in 1930. Of interest in the record is the erecting of a flag pole by Alex and Ernie Stewart in 1937 on which the flag was flown for the first time on coronation day.
In 1939 chemical toilets were installed.
In 1944 Bluff School along with S.S.#3 and #4 merged to become Laird Township School area. (S.S.#2 Laird and Tarbutt had earlier passed into the jurisdiction of Tarbutt township). As space for students was not required and because Bluff school was no longer the centre of any significant student population, this school closed in June, 1944. The teacher in that year was Mrs. James Larocque and the Board members were George Gibb, Jack Junor, and Jack Johnston.
Curious to know more? Delve Further Into The Schools Of Laird Township Here:
Laird Chronicles Chapter 5 – A History Of The Schools Of Laird Township
Laird History Volume Two – Schools
Photos – School Books & Teacher’s Aids
Photos – School Records