The 119th BatallionCitizens from our local Townships; Laird, Macdonald, Tarbutt and St. Joseph were part of the history and courage of this great war. Details are sketchy and many of those who returned to Canada after the war were more intent on returning to their former way of life thanContinue Reading

Laird’s Military Honor Roll “For King and Country Members of Laird Township who have volunteered for active service with the Canadian Fighting Forces.” Pte. R.W. Bagler Sig. A.J. Bradshaw Pte. E.V. Catling Pte. O.E. Catling Tpr. W.C. Cook L.A.W. M.C. Cove – R.C.A.F. Flt. Lt. H.B. Curry – R.C.A.F. Gnr.Continue Reading

Laird Military CollectionBelow are but a few items in the Laird Heritage Centre’s collection of Military Items: Curious to know more?  Delve Further Into The Military Effort Here: Laird Chronicles Chapter 9 – The Military Effort Laird History Volume Two – Military Photos – Military CollectionContinue Reading

Physical wooden plaque photo in remembrance of those who died in war

World War I & II Heroes Laird Township Remembrance Plaque In Memory Of The Laird Township ResidentsKilled In Action In World Wars I & II Sergeant William Brown 119th Btn. Canadian Expeditionary ForceDied October 1, 1918, Cambrai, France Details:  Private William Browne, #754051, 119th Battalion; Born April 2, 1892, Stayner,Continue Reading

The Military RoadAlthough it appears on no map, in no report, and is unheard of in the Public Archives, the locals all knew of the Military Road. It ran, according to Earl Orchard, from Bruce Mines to Rydal Bank on Ottertail Lake, then angled across in a northwesterly direction throughContinue Reading