The 119th BatallionCitizens from our local Townships; Laird, Macdonald, Tarbutt and St. Joseph were part of the history and courage of this great war. Details are sketchy and many of those who returned to Canada after the war were more intent on returning to their former way of life thanContinue Reading

The First StoreRecords show the earliest general store in the area was that of a Mr. Thornton who built a store in Bar River in 1880, on land purchased from John Evoy. This same store later became the home of Silas Evoy for a few years. In another change ofContinue Reading

Laird’s Military Honor Roll “For King and Country Members of Laird Township who have volunteered for active service with the Canadian Fighting Forces.” Pte. R.W. Bagler Sig. A.J. Bradshaw Pte. E.V. Catling Pte. O.E. Catling Tpr. W.C. Cook L.A.W. M.C. Cove – R.C.A.F. Flt. Lt. H.B. Curry – R.C.A.F. Gnr.Continue Reading

Laird Township QuarryA great boon to the residents around was the development of the quarry on the Ernest and Percy Evoy farms. A demand for Silica, an alloy used in the steel-making process, and the. proximity to the railroad, not to mention the abundance of this natural resource, made theContinue Reading

Laird Military CollectionBelow are but a few items in the Laird Heritage Centre’s collection of Military Items: Curious to know more?  Delve Further Into The Military Effort Here: Laird Chronicles Chapter 9 – The Military Effort Laird History Volume Two – Military Photos – Military CollectionContinue Reading

Laird Township SawmillsThe first known sawmill in the township was that operated by the Ross Brothers on the John Armstrong farm in 1889. We are not sure how long this was in existence, but it was later taken over by John Armstrong. About the year 1895 or so, a secondContinue Reading

Physical wooden plaque photo in remembrance of those who died in war

World War I & II Heroes Laird Township Remembrance Plaque In Memory Of The Laird Township ResidentsKilled In Action In World Wars I & II Sergeant William Brown 119th Btn. Canadian Expeditionary ForceDied October 1, 1918, Cambrai, France Details:  Private William Browne, #754051, 119th Battalion; Born April 2, 1892, Stayner,Continue Reading

The Military RoadAlthough it appears on no map, in no report, and is unheard of in the Public Archives, the locals all knew of the Military Road. It ran, according to Earl Orchard, from Bruce Mines to Rydal Bank on Ottertail Lake, then angled across in a northwesterly direction throughContinue Reading

Gas Station And GarageIt appears from all reports that the Schoales family had the comer on the market as far as the local gas stations were concerned. It was the year 1894, that Mr. Francis Hamilton Schoales III came to Laird from Huron County, with his wife and their threeContinue Reading

S.S.#1 LAIRD (BLUFF SCHOOL) 1889-1944Records for this school remain reasonably complete. The original daily register for 1889 and a minutes book of Board meetings from 1890 to 1906 still exist. School Section #1, Laird was formed in 1888 with Charles Grainger, Henry Gibson, and W.H. Evoy as trustees. The originalContinue Reading